Cave Diving Navigation

Cave Diving Navigation written by: Daniel Hutňan Bil Phillips ISBN 978-80-7492-462-0
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35,00 €
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Warranty:24 months
Manufacturer:IANTD Central Europe, s. r. o.
Price excluding VAT:31,82 €
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Cave Diving Navigation
written by: Daniel Hutňan, Bil Phillips
edited by: Jim Coke
Graphics and composition: Studio Mija & LDśC / Miroslav Jakoubek, Jiří Mezera
Schemes, images, maps: Daniel Hutňan, Studio Mija & LDśC / Miroslav Jakoubek, Jiří Mezera
Photographs: Miloslav Dvořáček, Radoslav Husák, Karol Kýška, Jiří Mezera


The evolution of modern cave diving navigation has produced a variety of techniques for cave divers to mark their optimal exits from an underwater cave. All cave divers are well aware of their responsibility to mark the team´s guideline to a safe exit in a secure and responsible manner. How we use permanent guidelines and plastic markers on the line is an important part of underwater cave navigation. Today there is no universal agreement of how to use fixed permanent guidelines in underwater caves. Cave depths, cave complexity, cave water currents and team experience make expansive nonspecific guideline marking protocols difficult to implement. Today we find many groups developing their own standard navigation procedures based on their experience in local cave environments. What is most important is that all groups find a compromise between accepted local protocols and stadardized procedures that are used in other cave regions. Cave divers must always be pliable, ready to adapt to new ideas that serve to enhance both the safety of the team while conserving the cave environment they dive in...


1/ Introduction
2/ Contents
3/ The Guideline
4/ Reels
5/ Knots used in Cave Diving
6/ Navigation Markers in Cave Diving
7/ Navigation in Underwater Caves using the Guideline and Personal Temporary Markers
8/ Conclusion and Thanks
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